悼念亡友Fred Fpister,
Fpister 夫人來信:
Good evening Chang,
I have looked at the painting ,Mourning for my Friend, several times to really study it ,and reflect on Its meaning .
I have never had anyone do a painting just for me. I am honored and humbled by your effort and thoughtfulness.
I see on the left a strong piece of wood with rings, which tells its age. We all start out strong and beautiful, but through trials and tribulations through the years we become worn and weakened. Ending up ,just as a splinter of our once strong self. I see the negative blue shape as our timeline of life. The foreground and middle ground is full of energy and color. The foreground is like a beach and full of activity and child’s play. Middle ground, you and your career ,and you yourself seem more stable and productive. I like the juxtaposition of the vibrant colorful trees and the dark background of the dark neutral trees in different values .... this gives much depth and transcending to the sky,I see a figure in the sky , perhaps between heaven and earth. How beautiful and thought provoking . Chang, I would like to hear your true interpretation .