

一輩子的愛 -玫瑰,菊花,天堂鳥與綠石竹-

尺寸:61x91x3.5 cm



NT$ 425,800



  • 分期數


  • 3期 利率0%

    NT$ 141,933

  • 6期

    NT$ 73,162

  • 12期

    NT$ 37,351

  • 運費:NT$ 550

    一輩子的愛- 玫瑰,菊花,天堂鳥與綠石竹




    肯定語- 一輩子是個有限的時間單位,但仍然很長,長到足以讓我們將它變成一個最棒的旅程.世事多變,記得愛你身邊的人,並且,不要忘記給生命中最重要的自己一輩子的愛.



    這幅是我在2020年,世界在面對未知疫情的時候開始動工的一幅.因為疫情的關係長期封城.於是我埋首於這幅作品的創作.整幅作品耗時六個月.畫到視覺疲勞的時候,就換幅畫進行,休息過後再帶著fresh eye回來鑽研細節.一日復一日,漫長的創作過程讓我在世事紛擾時保持心情平衡.





    限量版畫發行於2020 10月. 已發行版數為澳洲,美國與台灣藏家持有. 原畫媒材為壓克力/畫布.

    原畫展場實拍- 7th Feb - 8th April 2022於墨爾本 林昕 個人畫展 | 花綻瞬間 作為主視覺作品展出, 展期為期兩個月 {Bloom Like Flowers | Solo Exhibition by HSIN LIN | Presented by Maroondah City Council 市政府主辦 } - 開幕影片 + 作品實拍 – (首頁與 4:41秒)




    本作品同時刊登於 澳洲墨爾本Maroondah 市政府月報– 藝術家 林昕 專題報導.

    出刊日- 2/24/2022

    報導連結 – https://www.maroondah.vic.gov.au/About-Council/News/Council-blog/Blog/Interview-with-the-Artist-Hsin-Lin-Bloom-Like-Flowers


    Solo Exhibitions :

    11 - 22 Jan 2024 - HSIN LIN Solo Exhibition- Blossoms of Life at VAS McCubbin Gallery. Invited by The Victorian Artists Society.

    18 Oct - 19 Dec 2023 - HSIN LIN solo exhibition- Blossoms of Life –Invited by Wyreena Arts Centre /Maroondah City Council.

    7th Feb -8th April 2022 - Bloom Like flowers by HSIN LIN presented by Maroondah City Council | Arts in Maroondah at Maroondah Federation Estate Gallery. (Melbourne, Australia)



    旅澳得獎畫家HSIN LIN /林昕. 主攻當代花卉靜物.




    {Press Update}

    *This particular Artwork – A Life Time Love (2020) is featured in Maroondah City Council's news –Interview with the Artist: Hsin Lin - Bloom Like Flowers. Published by Amy Freund, Editorial and Publications Officer.

    Publish date -24th Feb 2022 , Melbourne, Victoria. *


    A LIFE TIME LOVE – Chrysanthemums, Roses and Green Ball Dianthus


    Artist Acrylic on Gesso primed canvas.

    Artwork painted extend to all Side panels as photo shown.

    Ready to hang, D rings and wire attached at the back in gallery standard.

    Comes with certificate of authenticity.

    Sealed with clear varnish.

    61 (W) x 91cm (H) x 3.5 cm (D)



    I present you a latest piece in my award-winning/signature series -Bloom like flowers.



    A life time may be short, but it may also be long enough for us to make it the greatest journey.

    When the world turns upside down, cherish the people who love you, most important of all, remember to give yourself a life time love.


    This project is actually planned for quite sometimes.

    I started this artwork around March, since then, a lot of things happened and the world seems changed completely. On the other hand, we have more time to be with ourselves, to think and to realise what is really important to us.

    This artwork somehow kept me grounded all this time and I happy to say I finally have it completed at the end of September.


    It’s been a really long journey, sunny days and rainy days. Long working hours required determination and faith to achieved.

    I spent almost every day studying those intricate composition and fine details. If you look close enough, each tiny petal was built up by more than 10 layers. The process wasn’t an easy task but It’s a challenge that I enjoyed, and I am proud of myself for not giving up.


    There’s also another reason that I’ve never mentioned why I started this series in the first place. Which I did revealed during an artist interview on August 2020.

    Years ago, I was ill.

    The mother nature, my paint brushes and canvases were the things that helped me back to my feet. Since then I have decided - if I have the time/ life that I thought I nearly lost, I want to make good use of it to create something beautiful, to do something only I can do and to pass the positive messages and healing power to people, that intension never changed.

    Life goes on and I think we all agree that 2020 is a very different year.

    By the time I have this artwork completed, I decided to name this artwork - A Life Time Love, which is also an extension from my previous artwork – A Life Time Journey, A Life time blessing, and Have Faith in A Sunny Place.

    Because the world might change in all of a sudden, but love keep us grounded.

    This is also a reminder to myself- always take care and love yourself first, that’s what makes you stronger.

    I sincerely hope you enjoy this artwork from my signature series - A LIFE TIME LOVE.


    Spiritual meaning of the flowers-

    Dianthus - flower of the Gods. Green Ball Dianthus, also known as Green Trick Dianthus are a unique flower with a fuzzy ball-shaped bloom.

    The name comes from the Greek words “dios," meaning heavenly and “anthos," meaning flower.

    Dianthus is one of the oldest cultivated flower varieties. Greeks and Romans used the flowers for decor, and garlands. Till now, Dianthus is still very popular and often used in floral arrangement.


    Chrysanthemums symbolize deep passion and optimism.

    Red roses stand for true love and romance

    The flower of bird of paradise symbolize joyfulness and faithfulness.

    Leucadendron, native to Australia, are often used to convey an appreciation for simplicity in life.

    Simple beauty is one of the most popular meanings for this bloom.


    This artwork is inspired by an amazing floral arrangement that I spotted in Donvale, Melbourne, Victoria, 2020 – A unforgettable year.

    Also based on my own photos.


    -Bloom like flowers -

    In this signature series of mine, flowers as the object represent life itself to me.

    Our own will to be alive, and the way we want to be alive.

    While I carefully paint these tiny flower petals, or built up those fine leaves’ vines, it is like the way we try to figure out those uncertainty, furthermore, to be able to be closer to the truth a little bit more.

    To browse the full collection in this series, welcome to link to my profile for other listings.

    Hope you enjoy.


    Enjoy the time lapse video of this artwork please visit :



    Exhibitions -

    -12 Jul 2023 - 25 Jul 2023 VAS Award Winners showcase Exhibition at The Victorian Artists Society, Cato Gallery

    -11-28th Nov 2022 VAS Mavis Little Artist of the Year 2022 Award Exhibition atThe Victorian Artists Society.

    -5 - 22 MAR 2021 VAS GEORGE HICKS FOUNDATION CONTEMPORARY EXHIBITION 2021 @ The Victorian Artists Society

    -10th July -1st August 2021 Camberwell Art Show

    -Nov 2021 Blossoms Of life by HSIN LIN- by Knox Immerse /City Council at MIllers Homestead, Melbourne.


    Solo Exhibitions :

    11 - 22 Jan 2024 - HSIN LIN solo exhibition- Blossoms of Life at VAS McCubbin Gallery. Invited by The Victorian Artists Society.

    Exhibition Vlog : www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBbQxX5zfGU

    18 Oct - 19 Dec 2023 - HSIN LIN solo exhibition- Blossoms of Life –Invited by Wyreena Arts Centre /Maroondah City Council.

    7th Feb -8th April 2022 - Bloom Like flowers by HSIN LIN presented by Maroondah City Council | Arts in Maroondah at Maroondah Federation Estate Gallery. (Melbourne, Australia)

    Keywords:一輩子  玫瑰 菊花 天堂鳥 綠石竹 細節 熱情 樂觀

    Subject:靜物 花草 

    Style:寫實 葉子 


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