

一輩子的太陽 -尤加利花初綻-

尺寸:76.2x121.9x3.5 cm



NT$ 488,600



  • 分期數


  • 3期 利率0%

    NT$ 162,867

  • 6期

    NT$ 83,952

  • 12期

    NT$ 42,860

  • 肯定語 – 讓我當你的太陽,照亮你的每一天. 雨天晴天,甚至是最黑暗的時刻.



    1. 原畫於本月刊登於澳洲墨爾本Maroondah 市政府秋季公報, 我也會附上一本刊有這幅作品的Newsletter原書, 方便讓您一起收藏.

    2.原畫贏得2022-23 年度 澳洲墨爾本Maroondah 市政府 公共藝術項目計畫. 由藝術家 林昕HSIN LIN設計執行, 耗時一年的計劃於2023年二月落成, 陳列於令五特公園- Ringwood Lake Park 做為永久公共藝術陳列. 陳列位址: 172 Maroondah Hwy, Ringwood VIC 3134 ,Melbourne, Australia.

    二月市長開幕式: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_P5SMysguE&t=57s

    {報導更新連結 09/12/2022}





    尤加利花在澳洲原住民心中有著特殊的地位.其花語有” 療癒” 與” 保護” 的靈性意義.


    每到花季,我便會定期到皇家植物園取材,其中的特殊種-Corymbia Ficifolia (簡稱Baby Orange)是我最喜歡的一種開橘色花朵的尤佳利樹. 初春爆花時, 鮮豔的橘色花叢在陽光襯托下,展現活躍,張狂的生命力. 難得一見的春日美景每每讓我駐足良久.

    畫面呈現了各種階段的綻放-果實,前蓋張開一半,正在展開的花苞, 與畫面中心完全盛開的大花. 花朵綻放的姿態就像人生各種階段一樣,各有各的樣貌, 每個型態都是無可取代的美麗與必要.


    本作品從2021年底開始創作,整幅作品耗時長達10個月,於2022 9月完工. 藏家可以從以下連結觀看創作全過程的縮時攝影-


    大尺寸原畫完美呈現細膩的細節, 適合客廳, 玄關,大堂等主要位置, 歡迎與這幅原作有緣的藏家收藏.


    Solo Exhibitions :

    11 - 22 Jan 2024 - HSIN LIN Solo Exhibition- Blossoms of Life at VAS McCubbin Gallery. Invited by The Victorian Artists Society.

    18 Oct - 19 Dec 2023 - HSIN LIN solo exhibition- Blossoms of Life –Invited by Wyreena Arts Centre /Maroondah City Council.



    旅澳得獎畫家HSIN LIN /林昕. 主攻當代花卉靜物.




    {Press and Media Coverage:}

    1.A Lifetime Sunshine - Corymbia Ficifolia is featured in Maroondah News, Issue Autumn 2024 By Maroondah City Council.

    *Comes with a copy of the magazine that I collected if you would like to be the collector of this original artwork. *

    2.Jan 2024–Artist Hsin Lin’s solo exhibition ‘Blossoms of Life' is featured on Victorian Artists Society News.

    3.Jan 2024–Director Lu Visits VAS to attend the Exhibition ' Blossoms of Life' by Renowned Australian artist Lin Hsin. Published by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Melbourne, Australia.

    4.This particular artwork - A Lifetime Sunshine (2022)- is featured in the project - Blossoms of Life - The Eucalyptus Flower For Everyone.

    Location : Ringwood Lake Playground, Ringwood Lake Park

    172 Maroondah Hwy Ringwood VIC 3134


    A Lifetime Sunshine -Flowering Gum - Corymbia Ficifolia



    Artist Acrylic on Acid-free stretched gallery-wrapped canvas. Signed at the front and ready to hang.

    The artwork painted extends to all Side panels.

    D rings and wire are attached at the back.

    Comes with a certificate of authenticity.

    Sealed with clear varnish.

    76.2 (W) x 121.9 cm (H) x 3.5 cm (D)


    Affirmation: Let me be your sunshine on a rainy day, in the darkest hours, every day to shine your day.


    I started this artwork around Dec 2021. It’s been a long journey, sunny days and rainy days. Long working hours required determination and faith to be achieved. The process wasn’t an easy task but It’s a challenge that I enjoyed, and I am happy to say I finally have it completed around September 2022.

    By the time I have this artwork completed, I decided to name this artwork - A Lifetime Sunshine, which is an extension of my previous artworks – A Life Time Journey, A Life Time blessing, A Life Time Commitment, A Life Time Love, A Life Time Story and A Life Time Grit.

    I present you the latest piece from my award-winning/signature series -Bloom like flowers.


    To experience the changing of the seasons and to present moments, it has become a routine of mine to paint the first bloom in my surrounding during its flowering season. This artwork was inspired by my visit to Royal Botanic Garden in Cranbourne. I was drawn immediately to this particular Flowering Gum tree- Corymbia Ficifolia (Baby Orange) in bloom in the flowering season, one of the main reasons that I always come back to the Royal Botanic Garden.


    In this particular artwork, there are flowers in full bloom gloriously under the sunlight, flowers in the blooming stage, as well as with closed buds most rounded and showing colour and buds with caps lifting on ready to bloom. Those are metaphor for all the precious moments in lifespan development. Eucalyptus flowers also have the symbolic meaning of Healing and Protection.

    The flower always blooms in its own time without competing with other flowers. May we all bloom in our time in the best season. Hope you enjoy this artwork of mine.


    Artwork inspired by nature at Royal Botanic Garden, Cranbourne, Spring, 2022. -HSIN LIN


    Corymbia ficifolia

    A Western Australian native tree with several small outlying populations further to the East, grows on sandy soils in low-lying areas of woodland.

    Corymbia Ficifolia -Baby Orange, belongs to the family- MYRTACEAE. A small Australian flowering gum growing to around 3-4m tall. One of the most outstanding flowering trees in Australia with conspicuous flowers in vermillion-orange that cover the canopy in summer, followed by large woody fruits known as honkey nuts. The brilliant orange flowers in summer bring the birds into the garden. A gum tree for every garden, the eucalyptus flowers for everyone.


    -Bloom like flowers -

    Hsin Lin’s series Bloom Like Flowers explores the process of blooming and our connection to nature.

    The signature series features meticulously detailed acrylic paintings and prints that celebrate native Australian flora and wildlife and highlight the ecologies and habitats that support and connect them.

    Hsin Lin’s professional background in fashion design informs her skill and ability to capture the organic textural details of these subjects. Through sensitive observation and illustration every petal, facet or filament is rendered on canvas.



    -12 Jul 2023 - 25 Jul 2023 VAS Award Winners showcase Exhibition at The Victorian Artists Society, Cato Gallery

    -23th June to 2nd July 2023 Camberwell Art Show

    -11-28th Nov 2022 VAS Mavis Little Artist of the Year 2022 Award Exhibition atThe Victorian Artists Society.

    - 9 - 26 Sep 2022 VAS SPRING SELECT EXHIBITION at The Victorian Artists Society.


    Enjoy the time-lapse video of this artwork please visit:



    Enjoy a virtual tour to the site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_P5SMysguE


    Opening event launched by Mayor of Maroondah City Council, Councillor Rob Steane. Vlog : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrndnMEy_VE&t=1s


    Solo Exhibitions :

    11 - 22 Jan 2024 - HSIN LIN solo exhibition- Blossoms of Life at VAS McCubbin Gallery. Invited by The Victorian Artists Society.

    Exhibition Vlog : www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBbQxX5zfGU

    18 Oct - 19 Dec 2023 - HSIN LIN solo exhibition- Blossoms of Life –Invited by Wyreena Arts Centre /Maroondah City Council.

    Keywords:太陽 晴天 澳洲 墨爾本 公共藝術 藝術家  林昕  HSIN LIN 尤加利花

    Subject:靜物 花草  

    Style:寫實 葉子 


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