

一輩子的祝福 – 橘子,菊花與玫瑰- A LIFE TIME BLESSING

尺寸:76x61 cm



NT$ 186,000



  • 分期數


  • 3期 利率0%

    NT$ 62,000

  • 6期

    NT$ 31,959

  • 12期

    NT$ 16,316

  • 一輩子的祝福 – 橘子,菊花與玫瑰-

    A LIFE TIME BLESSING - Orange and Chrysanthemum



    76cm (W) x 61cm (H) x 1.5cm (D)

    壓克力/畫布. 原畫.



    原畫於2019已售.原作在澳洲Art Lovers Australia Art Prize 2019入選為Finalist後便被本地藏家納入私人收藏. 原畫媒材為壓克力/畫布.

    有興趣看長達半年的縮時影片, 在我的YouTube 可以免費觀看從開始到完工的作畫過程-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7b2wyyB2Lg&list=PLN39lghkD3cwkSa8UKe9dtSi6ZuQzN936&index=53

    這幅畫是-一輩子的旅程 – 蘭花,橘子與菊花-的前身.

    畫面中緊湊的構圖與花序呈現出豐富卻不張狂的生命力. 渾圓飽滿的橘子代表福氣 ,圓滿以及生命裡我們期望的豐盛. 紅色與橘色的菊花在西方代表樂觀,熱情與愛,也常常用於送給母親的花.白色玫瑰代表信任,粉色玫瑰的花語是感謝.


    其中值得一提的是,這幅畫的畫面裡並沒有避開已枯萎的花辦, 意味著生命當中走過的挫折終將成為向前走的養分.

    過去幾年的得獎作品也主要出自於這系列. 漫長的作畫過程通常也是我的思考時間.當我終於完成這幅畫時,體悟到所謂的一輩子祝福就是生命的本身,現在有著獨一無二,只屬於您的人生. 能夠呼吸,能體驗所有高興與悲傷各色情緒的我與你,已經擁有了一輩子的祝福.


    以上希望能完整的表達出藏在花朵內的涵義. 感謝您閱讀到這裡.




    旅澳得獎畫家HSIN LIN /林昕. 主攻當代花卉靜物.




    A Life Time Blessing - Orange and chrysanthemum (2018)

    Original painting sold on 2019.


    This artwork is inspired by my visiting to Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show on Autumn 2018.


    I was impressed by the pleasant composition and delightful combination, the image stocked in my mind intensively, touched my heart deeply, so that I decided to freeze the magical moment onto canvas with my paint brushes.


    Red chrysanthemums symbolize love, deep passion, and optimism.

    White roses are symbols of virtue, and trust, dark pink roses are symbolic of gratitude and appreciation.

    The yellowy hue of the colour combination stands for vitality, and the Orange in perfectly round shape on the dining table stands for harmony and abundance in life, and that's the message in this particular painting I tried to deliver.


    As long as we are alive, we have a life time blessing, we may feel happy, loved or even sorrow at the moment, but as long as we can still feel this moment, we have a life time blessing.

    -Bloom like flowers series- by HSIN LIN


    Although it may a bit scary to tell the story as an artist, I would still like to share the concept behind the series.

    -Bloom like flowers - In this signature series of mine, I try to paint as detailed as possible in my own vision.


    Flowers as the object represent life itself to me.

    Our own will to be alive, and the way we want to be alive.

    There's so many uncertainty in life that we cannot control, so that there's good things as well as bad things. However, even the wilted petals become the nutrition to the plant in natural order, so that I never avoid the wilted petals in my artworks. It is like how we deal with failures.


    While I carefully paint these tiny flower petals, or built up those fine leaves vines, it is like the way we try to figure out those uncertainty, furthermore, to be able to be closer to the truth a little bit more.

    The stage (a dining table in this painting) is a life time, we are our own man and we can decide how we dance. You can fight with you all, you may also dance with flow. Either way, it is unique, one of a kind, and this stage belongs to you only.


    There's a saying that a painting is a period of time of an artist's life, for those peoples who have been following me from the beginning when I started this painting probably would know it's quite a long period of time.

    Thank you for staying with me, and for anyone who's reading this message right now, thank you for being a part in my life/art journey, I hope you enjoy too.


    You can also view this time lapse art video in full screen without hurting your eye via below link:



    Artwork inspired by nature in Melbourne, Victoria, Winter 2018 by Artist HSIN LIN.

    Keywords:一輩子的祝福  橘子 菊花 玫瑰 私人收藏  縮時影片 作畫過程  一輩子的旅程  蘭花

    Subject:靜物 花草 蔬果 食物 

    Style:寫實 裝飾 葉子 


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