流光溢彩 - 尤加利花與果實
Illuminate Brilliance - Eucalyptus Blossoms
90 cm x 75cm x 2.5cm
澳洲空運回台, 付保真證書
肯定語: 放心的翱翔, 越飛越高,你的光芒無人能擋.
為了紀錄四季變遷,我每年有畫下周圍第一支花的習慣.尤加利花在澳洲原住民心中有著特殊的地位.其花語有” 療癒” 與” 保護” 的靈性意義.
每隔一段時間,我便會定期到皇家植物園取材,其中的特殊種-Corymbia Ficifolia是我最喜歡的一種開著明亮橘色花朵的尤佳利樹. 取材這幅作品時,正是結實纍纍的季節. 碩大的尤加利果點綴, 象徵豐收, 辛勤努力的成果. 眼前的美景讓人駐足良久. 無雲的藍天之下,展現了活躍的生機, 充滿希望與生命力.
畫面呈現了植物的不同階段-豐收的果實,綠葉,與象徵新的開始的新生嫩芽. 植物的各種型態就像人生各種階段一樣,各有各的樣貌, 每個型態都是無可取代的美麗與必要.
這幅作品色彩明麗,筆觸大膽順暢. 大尺寸原畫完美呈現細節, 適合客廳, 玄關,大堂, 會議室等主要位置, 歡迎與這幅原作有緣的藏家收藏.
旅澳得獎畫家HSIN LIN /林昕. 主攻當代花卉靜物.
Illuminate Brilliance - Eucalyptus Blossoms
90 x 75 x 2.5 cm
Artist Acrylic on Acid-free canvas. Painted with palette knife and brushes.
Sealed with clear spray varnish. Side panels painted.
Signed at the front and ready to hang.
Comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Affirmation: Fly higher and shine brighter, because nothing can dim your light.
From where I live in Bayswater, there is a big field of forest near my studio.
My creating process normally starts with a short walk into the woods, touching the texture of the tree barks, and feeling the sunlight reflecting on the leaves and grasses.
I then collect whatever I found during the walk as inspiration.
Sometimes I have various tree leaves or bird feathers; in autumn I have acorns, and wattles in winter. There's only one rule for my collecting process, never take from the living tree/life.
I collect what had fallen only, and those are the gifts from the nature of the day for me.
There is one particular orange gum tree that I walk past every day.
I was obsessed with the delightful view of the sunlight reflected on those striking orange blossoms every time. It has become a routine of mine to paint the first bloom of the plant around my surroundings, now you are looking at my latest interpretation of my favourite gum tree.
CORYMBIA FICIFOLIA (BABY ORANGE), a tough Australian native plant with brilliant bright orange flowers in summertime, is quite common in urban areas, gardens and streetscapes.
New growth appears bronze-red then turns green providing a beautiful contrast of colour.
Eucalyptus flowers also have the symbolic meaning of Healing and Protection.
Flowers always bloom in their own time without competing with other flowers. May we all bloom in our time in the best season. Hope you enjoy this artwork of mine.
Artwork inspired by nature in Bayswater, Melbourne, Victoria. Autumn 2024.
[Solo Exhibition]
2 - 30 June 2024 - HSIN LIN Solo Exhibition - The First Bloom - at Mackley gallery, Victorian Artists Society.
19 July - 5 August 2024 VAS WINTER SELECT EXHIBITION at Victorian Artists Society.