眉飛色舞 – 葵花鳳頭鸚鵡
{Family by Choice - Sulphur-crested Cockatoo}
75 cm x 75 cm x 2.5 cm
葵花鳳頭鸚鵡,又稱大葵花鳳頭鸚鵡、大葵花鸚鵡,此種鳥類雌雄同色. 葵花鳳頭鸚鵡獨特的叫聲非常響亮有活力. 分布于澳洲北部、東部及東南部至昆士蘭北部,以及新幾內亞等地。
這種美麗優雅的大型鳳頭鸚鵡有著「自愛」, 「溝通的力量」, 與「團結」的靈性意義.
原畫同時兼顧精細與大膽, 除了羽毛紋理以外,近看可見即興刮刀厚塗的順暢筆觸.
75 x75 cm大尺寸完美保留筆觸細節, 適合客廳, 書房,會議室 或是臥室擺設. 歡迎喜歡這幅作品的您收藏.
旅澳得獎畫家HSIN LIN /林昕. 主攻當代花卉靜物.
Family by Choice - Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
75 x 75 x 2.5 cm
Artist Acrylic on triple primed gesso Acid free canvas.
Sealed with clear spray varnish. Signed at front, sides painted and ready to hang.
Comes with certificate of authenticity. Painted with palette knife and brushes.
Friend is family by choice.
Partner is family by choice.
And you my dear, you are my family by choice.
-We are all different, but we make each other better. -
Cockatoos symbolize change and to embrace self-love. They also represent a sense of community and the importance of communication
As many of you may know I don’t paint birds often, but when I do it’s normally a self-projection.
This artwork was inspired by my visit to the Ballarat Bird World. I spent quite some time observing this playful little friend – White Cockatoo, one of my favourite Australian Native Birds.
Which also inspired me to paint this artwork as an extension of my previous series. Like a year book, featuring all our friends, carrying all kinds of memories.
Each bird has different appearance, different personality, and each one of them might remind you of that specific, special friend of yours. That person might be bubbly, fun or even weird in an amazing way, and you love them no matter what.
That’s why I name this series – Family by Choice. Hope you enjoy this original series of mine.
A latest piece from my animal series -THE VOICE OF NATURE -.
Artwork inspired by nature in Ballarat Bird World, Victoria, Spring 2022 By HSIN LIN.