幼時喜歡繪畫,課本、試卷常見塗鴉。長年派駐歐美,常參觀畫展,心儀歐美畫家Egon Schiele, Avigdo Arikha, Lucian Freud, John Sargent, Norman Rockwell, Paul Madonna等人的畫風。
2013年於舊金山公餘在Berkeley Extension學習素描一年,重拾繪畫的手感,並接受美式審美基礎觀念。其後在台曾習電繪、水彩及油畫。自2017年夏起專攻油畫。至今(2021年4月)近四年,先後從六位油畫老師習畫,勤於作畫,完成作品逾200幅,涵蓋靜物、人像、動物、街景、風景等題材,曾參展四次;不斷嘗試細描薄塗、粗放厚塗、罩染等不同的技法。現階段探索在寫實及寫意中開拓畫風。
Manfred Peng has loved drawing since childhood. He did not follow his passion due to study and career. While working in San Francisco, he took sketching courses at Berkeley Extension in 2011. He picked up where he left off a year after his retirement in 2017, extending his learning to include oil painting and water color.
In his foreign service career, Peng served in Europe and the United States for many years. He frequented painting exhibitions during his time there, admiring the creative styles of European and American painters such as Egon Schiele, Lucian Freund, Avigdor Arikha, Norman Rockwell and Paul Madonna.
Four years since 2017, he has been in oil painting classes taught by six teachers, completing more than 200 works, including still life, portraits, animals, street scenes and landscapes. He constantly tries to apply various techniques to his paintings, such as thin layers of paint, underpainting, bold strokes of thick paint, alla prima, glazing etc. He has been exploring to develop his own painting style in realism and freehand brushwork.
Oil painting originated in Europe and flourished in the United States. In the process of painting, he strives to draw upon European and American culture, relying on Western aesthetics as their foundation, aiming to present the flavor of Western modern civilization, regardless of form, color, or texture.
幼少期から絵を描くのが好きだったが、学業と仕事のため諦めていた。ただ米サンフランシスコで働いていた時期にはBerkeley Extensionでデッサンを1年間学習(2011年)、定年退職して2年目の2017年夏には油絵を学び始めた。
仕事で長年欧米に派遣されていた間、頻繁に絵画展を参観。エゴン・シーレ(Egon Schiele)、ルシアン・フロイド(Lucian Freund)、Avigdor Arikha、ノーマン・ロックウェル(Norman Rockwell)、Paul Madonnaら欧米の著名な作家の画風に惹かれた。