坐落於嘉義縣太保市的國立故宮博物院南部院區,除了鄰近高鐵嘉義站, 長榮文苑酒店 ,長庚醫院以及東石 ,布袋, 六腳等地區 , 也因位於當地,嘉義縣市的民眾,有時可不必大老遠前往台北,也能於此地前往觀賞許多鎮館之寶。
The southern campus of the National Palace Museum is located in Taibao City, Chiayi County. In addition to being close to Chiayi High Speed Rail Station, Evergreen Wenyuan Hotel, Chang Gung Hospital, Dongshi, Budai, Liujiao and other areas, because it is located in the local area, people in Chiayi County and City can sometimes visit You don't have to go all the way to Taipei, you can also visit here to see many treasures of the town hall.
This work has been collected by the town hall of Evergreen Wenyuan Hotel, Taibao City, Chiayi County.
Keywords:故宮南院 故宮博物院 故宮南院油畫 嘉義縣 太保市