

愛情系列之『分手』 Stage of Relationship-Break up

尺寸:60.5x72.5 cm 20 F



NT$ 150,000



  • 分期數


  • 3期 利率0%

    NT$ 50,000

  • 6期

    NT$ 25,773

  • 12期

    NT$ 13,158

  • 運費:NT$ 450

    “本圖入選2021年 義大利&西班牙M.A.D.S.藝廊 Hysterica International Art Exhibition國際藝術展

    但在某個時候,雪降下來,春天結束了。分手是冰冷的,在冷酷的分離中傷感。愛情結束的苦澀意識留下了足跡,殘存的記憶被作品底部的一團紅色顏料擬人化了。血跡的象徵表示出了什麼問題,愛情不再是愛情。也許當然是感情,但愛情肯定已經失去了以前的光彩和活力。 因此,曾經相擁的伴侶,如今背對著背, 他們之間是不可逾越的深淵。 顏色中的裂縫從構圖的中心開始崩裂,致使身驅越來越分解剝離。 此刻,油彩並沒有失去其生命力,而是發生了變化。 熱戀中粉紅、溫暖和亮橙的色調讓位給酸澀刺鼻的調色板。 然而沒有什麼是沉悶死寂的, 空氣中散布著傷感的氛圍和與曾經愛過的人一起度過的生活片段, 苦澀的笑容在唇邊蔓延。

    Yet at some point, the snow falls. Spring is over. Break up is icy, yet nostalgic in its cold detachment. The bitter awareness of an ended love that leaves behind its footsteps remnants of memories is personified here by the blob of red pigment placed at the bottom of the work. A bloody indication of something gone wrong, of a love that is no longer love. Perhaps affection, that certainly . A relati onship that has certainly lost the luster and vitality of what it was. And so it is that, the two figures once embraced, now find themselves back to back. Between them the unbridgeable, the abyss. Cracks in the color unravel from the center of the composition separating the bodies more and more. The oil color does not lose its vitality, but is transformed. The pink, warm and orange tones give way to an extremely acid and pungent chromatic palette. Yet there is nothing dull, nothing dead. In the air there is nothing but nostalgia and fragments of life spent with the person once loved. A bitter smile spreads across lips.

    Keywords:情人 分手 愛情  裂縫 背對背 破碎 淌血 想像

    Subject:人物 愛情 色塊 線條 

    Style:抽象 超現實 新表現 表現主義 象徵 女人 


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