運費:NT$ 800
靜心內觀念頭時,照見每一個思緒的源頭,都是一個閃現的念頭;念起之時,繽紛雜亂,無法阻止念頭的升起與消逝。對此內心觀想念頭時的感知,思考著 , 應該如何將它具體的形象化,並以圖像表現出來。最終選擇使用不假思索,只憑直覺感知的自然技巧,將對念頭轉瞬即逝的感知,以抽象形式出現。
When one quietly observes their thoughts, they see that the origin of each thought is a fleeting idea; as thoughts arise, they are colorful and chaotic, and one cannot stop their emergence and dissipation. Contemplating this perception of thoughts, one ponders how to concretely visualize them and represent them with images. Ultimately, one chooses to use a natural skill that doesn’t require deliberate thought, relying solely on intuitive perception, to capture the transient nature of thoughts in an abstract form.