運費:NT$ 800
一棟宮殿式建築 , 聳立於台北的山丘上 , 他曾經是台灣的地標 . 歷經數十年的風霜歲月後 , 建築物的風華漸褪 , 他的外觀形貌與色彩 , 在我心中漸漸淡化而模糊了 . 前些日子 , 路經此處 ; 遙望著他時 , 心中閃現一個念頭 , 在他宏偉華麗的外觀下 , 是否藏著更本質的東西 , 於是嘗試著將這一個偶發的念頭 , 以抽象形式表現出來
Blue Hotel
A grand palace-style building, perched atop the hills of Yangmingshan, was once a landmark in Taiwan. After enduring several decades of wind and frost, the building’s splendor gradually faded. Its outward appearance and colors have become increasingly faint and blurred in my mind. Recently, as I passed by, when looking at in from afar , a thought flashed through my mind: beneath its magnificent and opulent facade, could there be something more essential hidden within? And so, I attempted to express this fleeting notion through abstract forms