snake hunt ((? & ↑ series )16幅繪畫裝置作品之一)
Canvas, oil paints, sand, resin 15F 1995/96
在仿製岩石壁畫的機理畫面上,描繪著原始人狩獵大蛇的景象,也意味人類與神獸的生存關係,敬畏又恐懼,慾望與吿解。 貫穿人類情慾貪然象徵的蛇,駕馭與之共舞,或被其吞噬。
On the replicated rock wall paintings, scenes depict primitive humans hunting great serpents, symbolizing the complex relationship between humans and divine beasts—an interplay of reverence and fear, desire and surrender. The serpent, embodying human lust and greed, either dances alongside us or threatens to consume us.
From the prehistoric connection of humans with beasts to the information age's transformation into a gluttonous serpent, this relationship remains persistent and inextricable.