{Serendipity in Shades}
76.2cm (W) x 76.2cm (H) x 3.8cm (D)
顏料潑濺部分使用metallic gold 金色顏料畫龍點睛. 原畫在光照下也會微微閃耀著金色光澤,細節非常美喔!
澳洲空運回台, 付保真證書
肯定語 : 跟著自然脈動,我心自由 .
為了紀錄四季變遷,我每年有畫下周圍環境植物的習慣. 這幅原畫靈感來自於我畫室附近的花園.
每日進畫室前, 我有一個習慣是去附近森林走一趟. 無論晴雨,沉澱心情,接受自然光與感受當季的色彩變換.
意外的是 ,這天讓我著迷的不是五顏六色的花朵,反而是花園的一個角落. 爬滿整牆的綠色攀藤,陽光灑落在安靜的午後. 不同層次的枝葉因為光影的關係呈現不同色度的綠, 襯托著頂層的綠葉像寶石一樣閃耀. 眼前簡單而珍貴的時刻讓我感受到自然的脈動.
Serendipity這個字的意思, 有不經意發現的美好事物, 也有「美好的際遇」、「幸運」、「機緣巧合」 的意思。這個字形容當下的體悟是最直覺的選擇. 故以此命名.
這幅作品色彩鮮明,筆觸大膽流暢.金色顏料的部分值得細細品味 . 大尺寸原畫完美呈現細節, 適合客廳, 玄關,大堂, 會議室等主要位置, 歡迎與這幅原作有緣的藏家收藏.
旅澳得獎畫家HSIN LIN /林昕. 主攻當代花卉靜物.
Serendipity in Shades
Artist Acrylic on triple primed premium double thick canvas.
76.2cm (W) x 76.2cm (H) x 3.8cm (D)
Affirmation: When the sky is high, my heart is light.
Metallic Gold paint is used. It is rich in texture and shines beautifully when you look at the physical painting.
Ready to hang, with D rings and wire attached at the back in gallery standard.
Comes with a certificate of authenticity. Sealed with clear varnish Spray.
From where I live in Bayswater, there is a big field of open woodland near my studio.
My creating process normally starts with a short walk into the woods, touching the texture of the tree barks, and feeling the sunlight reflecting on the leaves and grasses.
I then collect whatever I found during the walk as inspiration. There's only one rule for my collecting process, never take from the living tree/life.
I collect what had fallen only, and those are the gifts from the nature of the day for me.
It was a quiet, sunny afternoon, I picked up a falling branch of leaves while I walked past a wall, which was covered by these gorgeous climbing plants. I was fascinated by those different shades of greens, the top layers of leaves shine like gems under the sunshine.
How wonderful it is to connect to nature in this way, a heartlight journey beneath the sky.
An unplanned fortunate discovery – a Serendipity.
Definition of Serendipity: finding interesting or valuable things by chance, the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
Artwork inspired by nature in Bayswater, Melbourne, Summer, 2024. -HSIN LIN