運費:NT$ 250
20 cm (W) x 20 cm (H) x 1.5 cm (D)
澳洲空運回台, 付保真證書
為了紀錄四季變遷,我每年有畫下周圍環境植物變化的習慣. 這幅原畫靈感來自於我畫室附近的松樹. 每日進畫室前,去附近森林走一趟是我的習慣. 無論晴雨,沉澱心情,接受自然光與感受當季的色彩變換.
每天我都會路過這棵特定的松樹.由下往上看, 聽風聲, 感受陽光從葉片間灑落. 有一天,我撿起了落在樹下的一小段松樹枝. 松樹葉成針葉狀,非常美麗.這幅作品的背景便是由松樹葉取代筆刷繪製而成.
其中畫框四邊與畫面部分使用的是metallic gold 金色顏料波濺效果點綴,是取西方的Written In Gold 之意-有-千金不換的誓言-的意思. 金色的部分在不同的光照下會微微閃耀著金屬金顏料特有的視覺效果.
這幅作品整體色彩典雅,原畫完美呈現金色顏料自由潑灑的細節與光澤,適合適合小空間配置, 歡迎與這幅原作有緣的藏家收藏.
旅澳得獎畫家HSIN LIN /林昕. 主攻當代花卉靜物.
Presence Is A Present
20cm (W) x 20cm (H) x 1.5 cm (D)
Acrylic and Pencil on Acid-free canvas.
Sealed with clear spray varnish. Side panels painted gold to match.
Signed at the front and ready to hang.
Comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Metallic Gold paint is used. It shines beautifully when you look at the physical painting.
Written in Gold - Meaning it is true, or becoming true by making a commitment.
Affirmation: From now on, we stop dwelling on the Past, or worrying about tomorrow. Because here and now, we are present.
From where I live in Bayswater, there is a big field of open woodland near my studio.
My creating process normally starts with a short walk into the woods, touching the texture of the tree barks, and feeling the sunlight reflecting on the leaves and grasses.
I then collect whatever I found during the walk as inspiration. There's only one rule for my collecting process, never take from the living tree/life.
I collect what had fallen only, and those are the gifts from the nature of the day for me.
The grassland has always been my favourite playground. I am often accompanied by various local birds such as cockatoos, magpies, colourful rosellas, lorikeets and kookaburras during the walk.
The background was painted by the pine tree leaves I picked up that day.
The Buddha has their eyes opened slightly, they see through everything, the past, present, and future. The Buddha is within, is inner strength, serenity; it is us.
May we all bloom in our time in the best season. Hope you enjoy this artwork of mine.
Artwork inspired by a walk into the woods in Bayswater, Melbourne, Australia, Summer 2025. -HSIN LIN