運費:NT$ 800
多少年來 , 每當內心念想著錦繡二字, 總會喚起華麗與美好的想像 ; 但細究之下 , 卻找不到可以對應的實際影像與清晰可見的樣貌 . 因此 . 以意識的造境方式 , 嘗試著將心中所存在對錦繡的念想 , 以抽象形式表現出心中的美好世界 .
Brilliant and beautiful
“For many years, whenever the heart contemplates the word ‘embroidery,’ it always evokes images of grandeur and beauty; yet, upon closer examination, no corresponding actual image or clear visible form can be found. Therefore, through a conscious method of creation, I attempt to express the beautiful world in my heart using abstract forms.”