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一扇看起來 , 綠黑色樸素大門的表面上 , 遺留著歲月的痕跡 ; 門上殘留的剝落痕跡 , 像是正在訴說著陳年往事 , 多少年來 , 歷代的屋主 , 使用它 , 保護屋內的人們 , 隔絕外面潛在的威脅與風險 , 避免外敵的侵略 , 它是人類在物理與心理上的一到防線 . 我以抽象形式的圖像 , 表達出心中所想像的這樣的門 .
The Green Door
A simple green-black door bears the marks of time on its surface. The peeling paint seems to tell stories of the past. For many years, generations of homeowners have used it to protect the people inside, shielding them from potential threats and risks outside, and preventing invasions by external enemies. It serves as a physical and psychological barrier for humans. I express this imagined door through abstract imagery.