
Teng Jing Ping

Chaos gestos混沌百態

尺寸:162x130 cm 100 號



NT$ 500,000



  • 分期數


  • 3期 利率0%

    NT$ 166,667

  • 6期

    NT$ 85,911

  • 12期

    NT$ 43,860

  • 運費:NT$ 1,400




    In this work, various mythological, cartoon, painted, and virtual characters converge in the same space, creating a meeting point where characters from diverse times and realms collide.

    This intersection of different times and origins manifests a vibrant, chaotic fusion that mirrors contemporary cultural clashes—full of vitality and resonant voices.

    It represents either an expansion of chaos or a rich exchange, possibly even a shared symbiosis.

    Additionally, with the onset of the Anthropocene, the natural world has been severely neglected, leading to the potential formation of multi-layered human-centered "jungles."

    The personal internal worlds of each individual create an intricate network of intersecting time-spaces, impacting one another.

    Keywords:Chaos  混沌  百態  人臉 姿態 人像 人物

    Subject:人物 文化 圖騰 節慶 

    Style:抽象 超現實 新表現 具象 寫實 象徵 觀念 女人 


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Teng Jing Ping

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NT$ 48,000

Teng Jing Ping-↑/Target apple and snake ( ↑ series )

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